
Site Archives

October 2, 2006

Hello Again Again

Once again, Zorro has vanished into the hills.

Sorry about that. Honestly, I never really mean to vanish, but I tend to get caught up in a lot of things that sap every waking hour of the day and, by the time I notice I haven’t been blogging for awhile, it’s been a very, very long while. It’ll take me a minute t catch up, I need to cruise some of your blogs and see what’s been up while I’ve been gone.

But let’s start here: this is a clean install of the latest version of Movable Type. Which, of course, means it likely has bugs in it. Bugs I won’t notice until we actually start using the thing, so feel free to email me with bug reports or problems.

You’ll also notice you’ll need to login now. The spam thing had really gotten out of hand and I just give up; fighting it was taking too much energy and the server load was annoying my webhost.

Bear with me over the next little while as I hopefully work the kinks out of this new install and, hopefully, show up here more regularly (yeah, we’ve heard that before).

Meanwhile—what’d I miss?

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This page contains an archive of all entries posted to According To Me in the Site category. They are listed from oldest to newest.

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The Surreal Life is the next category.

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