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May 11, 2007

Cookie Monster

The cookies don’t seem to be working on this blog (i.e. “remember me” and so forth). I’m trying to figure out why, but the code looks right Re-typing that info over and over is really annoying. I took the blog out of frames and tried again—no dice. I believe this cookie problem is also what’s screwing up the TypeKey handshake. If anybody has a suggestion, I could use the help.

Comments (3)


Good luck with MT.

I used it for a website of mine for a few years, and it became so bogged down with spam and other problems that we eventually abandoned it.

supreme illuminati:

It's been a long time,I shouldn't've left you
Without a strong rhyme to step to
Think of how many weak shows you slept through
Time's up,I'm sorry I kept you...

---Rakim,the greatest MC of all time

I had to drop that line on you,because at various times it seems like you've been saying that to us (when you would vanish on us for extended periods like a ninja does,or like Zorro does...we know that eventually you will return,but when and how is anybody's guess) and I have sort of said that to this site since I haven't been back since shortly after the cancellation of CAP/FALC,when I used to post here faithfully.My old screen name was SUPREME THE ILLEST IMMORTAL ILLUMINATI and I was the first one to annoint you as "the illest".I'm proud of that,lol.

I have a lot of catching up and reading of back logs and stuff to do,but I'm glad to see that you're still here and that you still write.I'll have more things of substance to say after I take a stroll through this revamped website of yours (nice job,btw).

Good to see you again,brotha.Nah,scratch that...GREAT TO HAVE YOU ACTIVE AGAIN.


Ah-ha. Think I figured this out. There was an onLoad objected missing. Now it seems to remember the personal info.

Well, now I can sleep nights again.


According To Me

This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 11, 2007 8:01 AM.

The previous post in this blog was External Validation.

The next post in this blog is Screwed.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.
