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September 18, 2007


Ok, where do I start.

Once again I’ve vanished into the Ether and the spammers have apparently gone wild over here. Meanwhile, Hillary is pimping health care reform and OJ’s been arrested, so I don’t even know what year it is anymore. The list of things that truly annoy me seem to grow each day. My latest obsession: people who buy scratch-off lottery tickets, making you stand and wait at the 7-Eleven to buy your newspaper and Hershey bar while they fog up the counter glass going, “Umm, let me try a Pink Horsy and two Gold Bananas.” Memo to 7-Eleven: you’re a convenience store. CONVENIENCE. I should be able to get in and get out. That’s the only reason anyone pays $5 for a gallon of milk at places like that. 7-Eleven needs to install a No Idiots lane, so all the heavy breathers can take their time staring at the rolls of colorful scratch-off tickets, wondering which one to waste their money on.

I have to wonder if these folks are compulsive gamblers. I mean, how much fun can that be, really? And I’ve run into some doozies, mainly redneck white men buying a couple dozen of these things at a time, sweating over the selection process. And always, ALWAYS, when I’m in a hurry. So we’ll add People Who Sweat Over The Selection Of Scratch-Off Lottery Tickets While Keeping Other People Waiting In Line to my ever-burgeoning list of People Who Should Go To Hell.

Which is a long way of saying, sorry to be gone so long. Hope everybody’s okay.



Welcome Back!

Truth is, its been forever since I've been in a convenience store. All our Grocery stores have installed "self-checkouts" now which almost completely defeats the purpose of the convenience store.

I suppose it still takes a little longer to walk down the aisles (which are longer) and find things in the store (which is bigger) but you have to weigh that against the over-priced goods at the Convenience store and the "lotto-ticket-buyers" in line at the Convenience store.

In the end I've found a Grocery store with self checkout beats the Convenience stores hands down.

Y'know, I *really* don’t mind the Lotto buyers-- usually they're quick picks or have their tickets already filled out. It's the scratch-off browsers, the undecideds, that drive me nuts.


Life goes on. Here's hoping you don't become too insular...

Circ: I assume that's sarcasm...? :-)


Two things, Priest:

1. I went to a event last weekend at the Museum of Chinese in the Americas, where a panel of Asian-American comics creators where discussing life in the comcs biz. Larry Hama was on the panel and I thought of you because, as he was holding forth, I remarked, "He's just as cool as Priest said he is!" He was laid-back, insightful, gracious, sharp and full of anecdotes. Just a laconic, super-cool guy.

2. On page 94 of his new book, Reading Comics, critic Douglas Wolk shouts out Spider-Man vs. Wolverine as a great Spider-Man story. He clearly gets what you were trying to do: "... an international intrigue that everyone tells [Spider-Man] he should stay out of because he's out of his league. He can't–because of the power-and-responsibility thing–and his doing everything his ethical code obligates him to do at every turn ends up making matters far worse...it's an unforgettable superhero story whose force comes from the core idea of its protagonist's history."



The TV Show Psych reminds me of Quantum and Woody...


I think OJ got setup. But he LET himself get setup trying to play Cowboy. Stupid.

Anyway, speaking of "redneck white men", heard about the "Jena 6"? I thought this topic would've brought you back to blogging before anything else. It's a shame this type of stuff is still going on. But being Black, I'm sure it wasn't that much of a surprise, right?

Two months in line at a convenience store, wow. :)

This story of the scratch'n'win lines is exactly why I stick to lotteries where I can keep replaying existing sets of numbers, when I play such things at all.

DVD: --?!?

Dwight: Y'know, it never even *occurred* to me to do that-- replay the numbers until luck finds you. Well, I don’t gamble, anyway. Not a religious conviction, I just stink at it.


Priest welcome back. The OJ Pic is funny. The concept of a separate line for the window foggers is cool too.


I feel you on the not gambling part Preist. I don't gamble "I Lose" its almost a sure thing that if I bet on something I lose. I could bet on the Colts and ruin the rest of their season. I won't for fear of my death I live in Indy


According To Me

This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 18, 2007 11:10 AM.

The previous post in this blog was Bob's Thursday Rule.

The next post in this blog is Juiced In.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.
