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May 15, 2008

Barrack & John

Just for the record—and I say this with an unbroken record of heterosexuality—those are two great-looking guys. Edwards probably needs to be tougher, more of an attack dog, to be a viable veep candidate, but I do believe he provides much-needed ballast for Obama. Just standing next to him, suddenly Obama looked, like, 200% more credible and substantial.

He helps Obama in the south, he helps with the “hard-working white people.” He helps with the experience gap—he has at least as much experience as Hillary, right?

And, honestly, those two standing there really DO look like real change in Washington politics. There’s a certain excitement there, something Obama won’t get from Hillary-as-running mate (a terrible idea as she brings nothing to the table Obama doesn’t already have, plus she brings baggage he doesn’t need and she galvanizes the Republicans—especially those who dislike McCain intensely).

A Hillary nod would, at this point, utterly destroy the Democrats’ chances in November—which may be the point of her campaign at this point. In that view, Edwards may be the Anti-Hillary, insomuch as his support, while once perhaps having been considered negligible, now has potency and power Edwards himself never managed to coalesce. Just showing up last night, he virtually shoved Hilary off the news. A move worthy of Josh Lymon.

Oh, sorry to be gone (again!). I will, hopefully, be back in the saddle next week.



Good to hear from you, hope all is well and interesting. The Edwards endorsement is some good news that they will hopefully capitalize on, cause (much like you type), Hillary aint it. She'll probably change the rules, again, to challenge the nomination and presidency whoever gets the chair. Much love for Olbermann's special comments on Wednesday's episode, guess history is such a good 'judge' after all for the current president...


I just want to say "It's about time." At first I expected Edwards to drop out and endorse someone before Super Tuesday. Then I expected him to make an annoucenment before the North Carolina primaries. I guess now is better than never.

I'd love to see Edwards as Obama's running mate. Edwards is the guy I wanted to win the Dem's nomination last time over Kerry. I just don't know if Edwards is interested. If not Edwards, I'd like to see Gov. Ed Rendell of Pennsylvania.


This is brilliant timing on Edwards' part, because it quiets all of Hillary's ranting about her meaningless win in WV. And considering that Edwards still got 7% of the vote in WV only shows that some people would still rather vote for a white male than either of the other two candidates. It can only be a plus to have his endorsement. He'd make a great Attorney General!


I'd love to see this team. Edwards is like Bill Clinton without the sort of smarmy twinkle in his eye that makes you think he'd grope your wife when you weren't looking.


I was an Edwards backer before the dropped out of the race, and would be absolutely thrilled to see him on the ticket.

That said, I'm not sure what he brings to it from a political perspective, other than "southern white male".

He carries the stink of defeat about him since he already lost in '04, and he does little to counterbalance some of the major criticisms of Obama, those of youth and inexperience.

From my own perspective, he's absolutely fantastic.

But from a devil's advocate perspective, I'm already going to vote for Obama no matter who his running-mate is, and my vote doesn't matter a damn anyway since I live in John McCain's home state. So, taking me out of the equation and trying to see this from a big-picture perspective? I'm glad Edwards is onboard, but I don't know if he's the best veep pick.

Edwards has said he's not interested in the VEEP position, but I do think the two of them would be THE dream ticket. Absent him, it seems likely that Bill Richardson has made his stand to get the VEEP spot with his earlier endorsement.

I mean the following observationally and not at all critically, that this post, where a white guy seems to make the black guy more credible (and I know you're not coming at it from a racial perspective) is an interesting contrast to the last one on bias in perceptions of desirability in race.


Hey Priest,
Did you hear the Hillary assassination of Barack mishap



this to me is blatant and she should just go ahead and sit down.


Hey Priest,
Did you hear the Hillary assassination of Barack mishap



this to me is blatant and she should just go ahead and sit down.


According To Me

This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 15, 2008 12:13 AM.

The previous post in this blog was The Doll Test.

The next post in this blog is Now, Where Were We...?.

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