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October 5, 2008






He should have known to be on his best behavior.

Dude: he should have moved to France and lived quietly aned alone for the rest of his life. He should have moved to Tibet and become a monk. Anything. This is... incomprehensible in its utter stupidity. I get acquitted of a double homocide, I'm moving to Bahrain.


Plus, this guy was still collecting $25,000 a month in a pension that was set up for him through the NFL. This money was his free and clear, and by California statutes COULD NOT be touched to satisfy any lawsuits or rulings against him.

Priest, "Utter Stupidity" is just scratching the surface in defining O.J.

Matt Adler:

Karma, yes?

well, now that it's "over", hopefully folks will stop carping about the 1995 verdict, and give some due attention to some real pressing issues, you know, health care, energy, stopping the war--

I hope the McCain campaign doesn't bring it up..

25k/month pension?

If I had that kind of income, I'd fly so low under the radar that people would think I was dead.


Moron about does it.If was me with his NFL pension the next you would have heard from me was when I was in the obituaries.Not exactly Lex luthor is he?


According To Me

This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 5, 2008 7:48 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Winky And The Bean.

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