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March 24, 2008

Dodging A Bullet

Vin Diesel's "The Pacifier" is beyond bad. It's difficult to describe just how bad and unfunny this movie is. As someone once posted here, "I felt *soiled* watching it."

It looked like it could *almost* have been funny had they the guts to take it a bit more seriously. But by aiming squarely at the kid market (and, yet, Diesel is not a kid movie star?), they lost every possible opportunity to make this thing actually funny.

It is amazingly bad. I'd have to think really hard to come up with a bigger waste of film studio bucks.



Interestingly, if I remember correctly "The Pacifier" is Vin Diesel's biggest hit ever. There is no stopping the juggernaut that is the Family Film. Even lousy ones make millions because the whole family goes to see it, instead of Dad going to see Iron Eagle, mom hitting Steel Magnolias, and the kids seeing... well... Saw 2 and Hostel.

I like Vin Diesel, as a character. I think he has an interesting on-screen personality, and I would gladly support "The Pacifier" if I thought it would get the "Chronicles of Riddick" sequels made. But it won't.

Now if only someone would make a Kasper Cole movie...

How about the upcoming "Harold and Kumar Escape from Guantanamo" in the "bigger waste" category?


I think Vin is a talented actor, he's a bit of geek and in fact I think the character of Riddick was based on a Dungeons and Dragons character he had played. But nothing about The Pacifier looked funny and I'm glad to see I didn't waste my time watching it.

I suspect that he was hoping to pull an Arnie and do a "Kindergarden Cop" type of film that reinforces his name by getting the young kids talking about him. I suspect The Rock had similar plans for "The Game Plan." But like Eric said, both seemed to make a ton of money for reasons I can't fathom.

Oh and David, I look forward to the new H&K film just for the scenes with Neil Patrick Harris. That guy is legendary.

I really, really want to like Vin Diesel. He wrote the intro to the D&D coffee table book, for Luigi's sake! Plus, he wasn't half-bad in Boiler Room or Saving Private Ryan. But man...he makes some terrible movies. Poor, poor Vin D&Diesel - some day I hope you star in something watchable!

Evan Gibbs:

I really don't have much to say about that movie, or vin diesel for that matter, I'm blogging here to reach one of favorite family members. I read somewhere "don't call him Chris" but that's all I've ever called you Priest :) anyhow, just wanted you to know that they let me free and I was hoping to talk to you about a few things (now that I've seen your website) like what happened to my comics (sure I'm about to be 32, but I'm still a big kid), how exited I am about all the heros brought to life by the movies (or upset depending on which ones we're talking about), and why you have my son (Evan jr.) and his mom (Liz)on your page and I'm nowhere to be seen :)I would put my phone # up here but somehow that doesn't strike me as the best idea. I put my email add in the box but in case for some reason it doesn't come up it's evan816@yahoo.com
hope to hear from you soon.
love always Evan

Evan Gibbs:

Oh and btw, I still have those Tommy socks that Liz has on in those pics lol. if I could upload a pic I send you one of me and the socks lol. you should see Evan jr. now, he's going to be 14 in oct.


According To Me

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