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March 21, 2008

New Things Priest Has Learned:

(84) When you hang around people who treat you like you’re nothing, sooner or later, you yourself start to believe it. It amazes me that it’s taken me 46 years to figure this out.



Recognizing that is the easy part.

What are we planning on doing about it?

I dunno.

Move to Florida.

I think it's impossible to ONLY be around positive people. But, I do think it *is* possible to start recognizing the negativity and minimizing contact with those folk.


"But, I do think it *is* possible to start recognizing the negativity and minimizing contact with those folk."

Also, ending contact and continue living a life worth living are among your options no doubt.

They outnumber us. They're everywhere.

Be very afraid.


You can move near me. Housing is dirt cheap now in Metro Detroit. My dog doesn't bark much.

He poops a lot, but I always pick up after him.


Hello mr. christopher?

(my hands broken, its near impossible to type, im sorry)

I heard you did the shadowman thing for a while... It's a tradgety That had to blow up... But I was wondering (becasue currently im doing an animation as a tribute to shadowman) if you'd be a good scource of info about shadowman Micheal leuoi (excuse my poor spelling)

Its too though.. everybody haveing any info on this game have no visable e-mail adresses.. anyway I hope and dout you will ever get back too me...


That post @1553 simply reminds me of all the fodder for stories. I wonder if writers 'need' drama --- it's both heaven and hell...

Eric Harper:


I know from last year that you don't celebrate Easter. Therefore I would like to wish you a Peaceful Time of Reflection. May you find the answers you seek.



I honestly don’t remember a blessed thing abut Shadowman, other than I worked *very* hard on it, and, as with many Shakespearean tragedies (and Priest projects), it apparently crashed and burned.


Circ: why, yes, we do. My *real* life is so much wackier than anything I write. In fact, I couldn’t sell my *real* life story because some editor would say, "Oh, c'monnnn!"

Eric: I celebrate Easter. In fact, Easter may well be the only holiday I have much confidence in, in terms of its relative placement on the calendar. I don't *call* it "Easter" because the English and German names, “Easter” and “Ostern", are not etymologically derived from Pesach (the Hebrew name of Passover) and according to the 8th century Christian monk and historian Bede are instead related to ancient name for the Saxon goddess, Eostre, who was celebrated at the spring equinox, and whose name is associated with the month of April (Eostremonat (Eosturmonath) and Ostaramanoth respectively).

I seek no answers. I seek peace and quiet and, perhaps, an iPhone.


Forget the iPhone

Those Kimoyo cards are where it's at.


The Kimoyo cards were damn cool, but if you had anything out of BP's aresenal, it would be the shoes, it's GOTTA BE THE SHOES.

If I could get away with getting my hands on both of those pieces of tech, I think I would.


According To Me

This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 21, 2008 10:18 AM.

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The next post in this blog is Dodging A Bullet.

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