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August 8, 2008

Bush Impeachment

Bush Impeachment, bowing to political pressure, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi allowed a vote in the U.S. House of Representatives, the House voting 238-180 to send one of Rep. Dennis Kucinich's articles of impeachment -- this one charging Bush with lying to the American public about the causes for the war in Iraq -- to the House Judiciary committee. Speaker Pelosi's position on impeachment--essentially that there won't be one--is utterly baffling. While it's possible there's some political upside to this, allowing flagrant constitutional violations to go unchallenged--I can't begin to imagine what it is. By impeding a full-throttle criminal investigation of the White House, it may be Pelosi, not Bush, who goes down in history as the most nefarious, politically self-serving leader in U.S. history.



They must be held accountable for their actions. This is America not Fascist Italy, or Nazi Germany. "...by the People, for the People." Not for Texas oil and Haliburton. I am amazed we have let this go on for so long. I am ashamed of Nancy Pelosi!
We may not realize it yet but Dennis Kucinich is a hero of great stature that may be the only hope for restoring America to what it should be; A Democracy by the People, for the People! He was willing to stand for four hours in an empty room reading charges while other congressmen were busy collecting their bribes from corporations.
I think I speak for a great portion of the population when I say that we are disgusted with most of our politicians and are tired of the abuse. It has gone too far. We can accept some corruption and attribute it to the nature of the beast that is politics, but this blatant raping of the American middle and lower classes for the benefit of so few is unacceptable.
How many Billions do these people want? They are like drug addicts constantly seeking a better high. Men like Bush and Cheney seek more money, more power, more influence. They seek to fill voids without border or end, and like drug addicts they will do anything, or step over anyone to get their "fix." We suffer at the hands of sick men and call them our leaders!

Matt Adler:

I hate to say it but.... it's us. If this was 35-40 years ago, and Bush did even a fraction of what he's done, there would be riots on the streets. We don't demand it, therefore, nothing happens. If you put together the worst aspects of Hoover, Johnson, and Nixon, you would come close to Bush, but none of them quite matched his stunning combination of ignorance and arrogance. And yet, we accept it. Yeah, it's us.


The reason why she won't allow impeachment is because it's best having Bush and his cronies out there as boogiemen. Plus, let's be fair, she as well as plenty of other people in the House and Senate were complicit in some of the crimes that took place, simply out of sheer ignorance. So she probably wants to keep it all out of the spotlight as much as possible.


According To Me

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