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August 8, 2008


The Republican National Committee site looks shockingly (and frighteningly) like a frat house web page or, perhaps, the home page for the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. The GOP homepage is burgeoning with sophomoric, low-brow attacks on Obama, things I suppose are supposed to be funny, but bandwidth better used to innumerate and elaborate on John McCain's policy positions and make his case for becoming the next president of the United States. Instead, the GOP homepage is almost insultingly low-brow, which suggests what they actually think of their own constituents. It's most consistent and clearest message: Don't Vote For The Black Kid. I'm amazed they left out the beer belch sound effect when the page loads.


greg zywicki:

But Barry's such a ripe target. All Hubris and humorlessness.


According To Me

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